International Official Level 3 Online
Official IFS Level 3
5 Day Training
In this Official L3 (#1041) 5 Days Online IFS training, you complete Level 3 in 5 days (6,5 hours each day):
17th-21st June 2024.
The training will take place online, and will be led by Cece Sykes.
In Level 3 trainings programs, Level 2 graduates work intensively with fellow advanced practitioners to further develop their knowledge of IFS and hone their skills with its techniques. You are a good fit for Level 3 if your goal is not only to become a better therapist, but also to:
- Develop a greater understanding of one’s Trailheads, Therapist Parts, Blind spots, and IFS Practices for daily life. Identify and navigate the core concepts of IFS - such as Self energy, unblending, and befriending - that contributes to the healing process.
- Learn tested strategies in helping Critic Parts transform.
- Develop enhanced skills in negotiating with entrenched Protectors
- Increase skills in helping Exile Parts unburden
- Create a comprehensive understanding or how Attachment Theory applies to the therapeutic relationship, healing, and the internal connection and harmony.
- Explore advanced topics related to legacy burdens passed down to us and how IFS can transform these burdens.
The Level 3 format includes demonstration, experiential group exercise, large and small group discussion, extended medtiation, and intensive personal work. Please see each training's website brochure for details.
Daily Schedule (Portugal Time):
1:30 pm- 4:45 pm
Meal Break: 4:45 pm - 5:30 pm
5:30 pm - 8:15 pm
Cece Sykes, LCSW, ACSW; IFS Senior Trainer, US and international. Contributed to Levels 1 and 2 IFS training manuals and teaches L1 as well as L2 Trauma and Addiction. Cece has over thirty years of clinical experience working with individuals, couples and families, specializing in work with the effects of trauma and addiction. Her chapter on compassionate approaches to addictive process appears in IFS: Innovations and Elaborations, 2016, Routledge. Cece also has special interests in spiritual practices intersecting with therapy and in the impact of psychotherapy upon the life of the therapist and she lectures, consults and and leads workshops on all of these topics. Cece lives and works in the city of Chicago.
Tuitions | registration
This Training can be attended by undergraduate students, graduate and registered mental health professionals.
L3-5 Virtual
Portugal and Brasil Residents: 1500 €
Non-Residents: 2500 €
Registrations contact:
Deposit: A deposit of 800€ will secure your place.
In the event of withdrawal from the training once the course has commenced, the full fee is non-refundable.
Cancelation and Refund Policy
Withdrawal/ Refund Policy: Participants who wish to withdraw from the training program must do so in writing.
Deposit: The deposit is 50% refundable if written notice of withdrawal is received 45 or more days before the 1st day of the program.
The deposit is 100% transferable to another training Level 1, 2, or 3 IFS Portugal training program, if written notice of withdrawal is received 44-21 days before the 1st day of the program. A transferred deposit must be used within 18 months of withdrawal date, or else it is forfeited; a transferred deposit may only be used by the participant who is withdrawing. The deposit is forfeited if written notice of withdrawal is received 20 or fewer days before the 1st day of the program, or if withdrawal occurs after the program begins.
Tuition Balance: The tuition balance (total tuition less Deposit) is refundable if written notice of withdrawal is received by 21 or more days before the 1st day of the program. The tuition balance is forfeited if written notice of withdrawal is received 20 or fewer days before the 1st day of the program, or if withdrawal occurs after the program begins.
Alexia R
Ana Catarina M
Catarina P
Jeanne E-R
Magadalena S
Silvia C
Tina T
Trine H
Vanessa R