

Joanne Twombly


Level 1 Trainings
1,157 visualizações
Level 2 Trainings
6,293 visualizações
1,123 visualizações
Level 3 Trainings
Complex Trauma
Joanne Twombly
6,260 visualizações
Chris Burris
8,705 visualizações
Monique Lang
372 visualizações
Michael Mithoefer
5,271 visualizações
Chris Burris
3,238 visualizações
Ruth Culver
2,923 visualizações
Larry Rosenberg
1,286 visualizações
6,293 visualizações
Martha Sweezy
3,678 visualizações
1,028 visualizações
Couples and Relations
Children and Adolescents
Addiction & Eating Disorders
Crystal Jones
658 visualizações
Terry Real
445 visualizações
Russell Jones
462 visualizações
Victoria Kirby
1,089 visualizações
Yoav Bartov
1,053 visualizações
Liz Martins & Emma Redfern
900 visualizações
Heloisa Bueno-Garman
1,378 visualizações
Lou Cozolino
1,201 visualizações
Daniel Foor
2,709 visualizações
Robert Falconer
1,076 visualizações
Alexi Rothman
2,904 visualizações
Robert Fox
10,404 visualizações
Paul Ginter
951 visualizações
Michelle Glass
1,362 visualizações
Liz Martins
500 visualizações
Paul Neustadt
4,108 visualizações
Paul Neustadt
2,914 visualizações
Talk with an IFS Client
352 visualizações
Nancy Sowell
2,143 visualizações

About webinars

IFS Talks is an audio series to deepen connections with the Internal Family Systems Model through conversations with lead trainers, authors, practitioners and users. 
In these audio interviews, we will have the opportunity to draw out aspects of  IFS Lead Trainers and skilled presenters to create a user-friendly format for listeners to get to know each trainer or practitioner, their background, in and before IFS. With candid, self-led dialogue, trainers and practitioners can share their specific interests with listeners interested in deepening their inner knowledge and IFS practice.
The conversations will take from 25 up to 50 minutes. Facilitated by Anibal Henriques and Tisha Shull, other hosts can eventualy gather this project later on if and when needed. We will make our best to hold the space each interviewee needs to feel free to speak or share whatever he/ she needs to adress. We would like it to be mostly  an open and spontaneous conversation,  offering space to ourselves, our personal stories, experiences or expertises. We hope you enjoy and benefit from those conversations.

IFS approaches to specific groups

If you have done some specific work applying IFS to specific clinica or social groups please contact us it might be of our interest to hear you.
Please contact us to the email adress

If you want to suggest an IFS talk

If you want to suggest a conversation with someone in the IFS world that you think would be of interest to this community please contact us to the email adress